Station Log
Our website provider service status can be seen Here
Weather Staton, Data And PC Issues
19/07/2023 - Webcam progress has been made to order a replacement and get the live stream working. There has been a issue with the rain guage where a collony of ants decided to move in and cause 7000mm of rain!
10/05/2023 - Axis 211 ipwebcam has died the image sensor has turned hazy/blue. Looking at buying a new webcam and system looking at costs of £140 to do.
05/05/2023 - Software now backs up daily to the second raid pool and uploads to Mega
18/01/2022 - Server memory upgraded to 12gb, a second raid pool setup. Updates installed.
31/12/2021 - On-Going: Temperature probe seems to be working, Humidity sensor gets stuck new sensor to be ordered around 5/1/2021
23/12/2021 - Temperature Probe update. The spare probe seems to be working but still showing a issue on the main console. Old sensors not made any more we use model 166 THS11/15 new versions are 070 THS31. Potential for new sensor to be non compatible or have a 0.5c elevation on the readings Due to the age of the weather station [2005/6]. replacement sensor of the new variety to be ordered and tested in the new year.
18/12/2021 - Temperature probe not reading temperatures, spare is working but intermittent fault with it. Replacement ordered asap Data lost 17-18th December 2021
29/11/2021 - Updated Weather display version to the latest version.
10/04/2021 - Axis ip camera appears to have a possible power supply issue (Flickering) a new supply will be ordered asap.
09/04/2021 - Errornous Temperature Data observed ocasional dips in the graph to 1.3 investigated. cause was noise from a near by cable, resolved with a ferite core around the cable and seperating the power cables for the fars fan, old motor was brushless new one is carbon brushed and the pulses caused signalling issues.
04/04/2021 - Fan Assisted Radiation Sheild Temperature probe fan motor replaced and runs on a slightly higher voltage to assist more with affects of any locally radiated heat. This will run 24/7 From 01/03 through to 31/09 then daylight hours only. Except for fog.
29/01/2021 - Re orientated the wind sensor, Was pointing too far north east by about 32 degrees. 24 hour FARS fan has died, New one on order. Temperatures will be slightly elavated during sunny periods, Max temp for the day and year reset as cleaning took place of all sensors.
27/01/2021 - Turned off Weather Displays Webcam Functionality as added website script to take over. Result is less load on the server.
26/01/2021 - Server issues with Real Time Data upload error 301, No data lost issue commenced 1507, issue restored 22:54
02/01/2021 - Current conditions noted to be wrong, Changed the feed from being based on solar to Liverpool Airport metar updated at xx:20 and xx:50 each hour. Updated Weather display to latest build 123, added 0.2cm of snow/hail to records.
01/10/2020 - Station pc changed to a newer Dell r310 Server
15/07/2019 - Station Pc Replaced after 5 years, Replaced with a HP Proliant G5 Server Grade Machine.
01/04/2018- Station outage fom 1300-1400 Data lost due to station maintanance and cleaning. New stephenson screen build plans are being made to house the equiptment for the vantage pro weather station, an instromet backup station and met office standard thermometers for monitoring.
10/12/2015 - Station is running on a new Server as of may 2014 Specs are viewable on the home page of this website
17/01/2013 - Update - Computer seems stable and fast!
11/01/2013 - Station downtime due to pc unstability seems to have settled now after a rebuild, ram upgraded from 1.75GB to 4.09GB
02/01/2013 - It has been observed some files are failing to update on weather display. We are aware of this and are working on getting this resolved as soon as possible. Merseyside weather apologizes for any inconvenience caused.
18/12/2012 - from 1100am Wednesday 19th there will be a outage of services due to a boiler re-wire disruption will be kept to a minimum we apologies for any inconvenience this may cause services should be restored by 1900 latest
Website Development & Issues
09/05/2023 - Changed iframes from hhtp to https as some werent working (Live Dials)
05/05/2023 - Added Wunderground Forcasts to the forecasts tab, Added SSEC Satelite imagery to the satelite tab, Installed a new SSL Certificate. this will change the domain to https:// instead of http which is less secure, SSL upgrade an issue was detected resulting in downtime for 3 hours, Webcam page added to show the past 6 hours of images spaced 15 mins apart, IP Webcam waiting on a small stand for it then it should be back online, Webcam 2 location possibly found pointing East.
14 09/2022 - Added UK Weather Network Mesomap script to website, Updated Fetchtimes script, Updated contact us script, added links to other sites and networks on the useful links page.
25/08/2022 - Ip camera - new psu ordered and mount, should be back in service soon,
14/04/2022 - Updated CSS file to fix a bug with the Contact us form.
12/01/2022 21:31 - Here is the RFO (Reason For Outage) from our network provider for the first outage on 10/01/22 - 11/01/22: Vendor outage detected in London, UK. Fault was caused by mains failure in Interxion, London (Hanbury) impacting our infrastructure provider's equipment. Generators also couldn't start properly and provider's equipment went down. Few hours later power restored, but due to malfunction with the rectifiers in the room, modules were overloaded and began to fail. The second rectifier took the load, but draw remained high and took down the modules too. Vendor's field team had to source new rectifiers to replace and restore the traffic on the next morning. Additional delay was caused as they had to release the first FE due to health and safety concerns (too many hours on the field). Provider confirmed Rectifier issues in the Cabinet is resolved now and full resiliency is in place. We are still waiting for an RFO for the 2nd outage we experienced a couple of hours after this one was resolved.
11/01/2022 19:24 - Network connectivity is returning once more but we have received no further updates from our provider yet. This incident will remain open until connectivity has stabilised.
11/01/2022 18:54 - Freeola update: 3rd party provider is still on site and confirming action plan to restore. Currently freeola's provider has requested protection options and this is still under checking from the provider side. Next update to follow after 60 min.
11/01/2022 16:53 - Freeola's supplier now has an outage on its 3rd party IP network in UK. freeola's 3rd party provider confirmed a network outage between 2 POPs in London. One field team has been dispatched for fiber OTDR and a second team was dispatched for hardware and on-site patching checks. Pending ETA. The next update will follow in 120 minutes.
11/01/2022 15:10 - Latest from Freeola: Our vendor has been engaged and we are currently in touch with their engineers and higher management, clarifying the details. The next update will follow in 60 to 90 minutes.
11/01/2022 14:24 - We have seen connectivity issues return again. We are contacting the provider to find out more information.
11/01/2022 14:23 - ***FAULT: Showing connectivity down again as of 14:21 Freeola Chasing with supplier, for info,
11/01/2022 12:58 - Our web host has confirmed the final fix. Website may be slow to respond and slow to update for the time being whilst systems at our host catch up
11/01/2022 12:06 - Connectivity has returned. Note that service may be slow/unreliable while traffic normalises and queued mail ran through. No data has been lost
11/01/2022 11:04 - Provider's engineer just arrived on site with the spare equipment. Replacement should take approximately 60-90 minutes. Next update to follow in 90-120 minutes.
11/01/2022 09:38 - A new rectifier has been sourced and an engineer tasked to collect, fit and test it. This will take some time unfortunately with an expected ETA of 12:00 UTC
11/01/2022 08:20 - Team on site disconnect the batteries and connected the Rectifier directly but it seems to be faulty. New field engineer is being engaged for further investigation, as the previous shift is over and FE had to leave the location. Pending ETA. NMC/GTT requested M5 escalation with our infrastructure provider. Next update to follow in 90-120 minutes.
11/01/2022 05:09 - Engineers are currently on site at the network supplier, A faulty battery on a UPS has been identified which is being replaced, They are also working to fix main supplies.
10/01/2022 22:08 - Our provider has now informed us that the issue is caused by a complete power outage in another data centre our network passes through. Secondary power supplies also failed when switching to backup. Electrical engineers have now been deployed to rectify the faulty power switching hardware at the third part data centre.
10/01/2022 21:39 - Connectivity was restored briefly but has just gone down again. We're waiting on an update from our provider.
10/01/2022 20:38 - Freeola: Our provider is still carrying out their investigations. Unfortunately they have not provided us with any further updates at this time. We will post an update when we have received more information.
10/01/2022 19:01 - Update: Our network provider has identified a major outage and they are working to restore service as quickly as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience this will be causing.
10/01/2022 18:11 - ***FAULT: Web Hosting Servers, for the first time in nearly 10 years ur web hosts have had an issue. We are investigating a connectivity issue at one of our data centres which has affected a large number of services. We currently suspect it to be a routing issue, rather than a hardware issue, we will update as soon as we have more information. We apologise for any inconvenience in the meantime.
07/01/2022 - Added a guestbook to the menubar.
31/12/2021 - Added sunspot script to show yesterdays sunspot count on the sun script courtesy of, added support this site to the dashboard, to do: advertisment page. Added links to Shap, Chester, Epping, Redwood City, Wilmslow and Swantson weather stations, added a link to newquay weather station scripts page, Added Sunspot Script Data Cache Update and Meteoalarm Warnings Data Cache System status tests to wxstatus.php. Ajusted names under the menu bar icon webcam to reflect the camera names etc. Renamed the live weather options on range of complicatedness and weather they are external sites or not. Iframed Fresh WD into its own web page to allow for easier navigation. Added sun tracking script curtosey of wilmslow weather to the astronomy page and added a link to his scripts page on his site. Added sea temperatures page under marine and tides
28/12/2021 - Added a UK Sea Level station page under the Marine and tide information heading. Working on a all-day video/Timelapse web page of the we11bcam images
23/12/2021 - Fixed bug with the daytime/night time high/low display on the dashboard
01/12/2021 - Fixed missing php tags for the content on bottom of the status page, changed the status check from green current and red not current to ticks and crosses, added scroll boxes to the log to shorten the page. added link to the Irish wx chart website. Added links to external webcam websites, wirral cam and icelandic cameras. Modified the mobile website to add merseysideweather refrences.
30/11/2021 - Added an image handler to generate three banners that you can use on your website with live data linking back to us! Added met office isobars in the synoptic category on the navigation menu.
29/11/2021 - Added a learning corner consisting of a weather glossery cloud types and links to the Met Office and climate change. Added a table and extra items to check to the weather station status page, Added final tweeks to the new dashboard, Re arranged the navigation menu to condense and cateogorise areas of the weather. moved the met office weather warnings to the top of the page.
30/10/2021 - Added an alternative view of live data using Weather Wizz. Can be seen under Live Weather Dials menu labeled as NEW! Weather Wizz Dashboard. External website.
28/10/2021 - New dashboard page is ready to launch final tweeks and fault finding on historical records.
09/07/2021 - Updated Common.php and updated the tables on w status.php. Began work on a new dashboard
10/04/2021 - Ajusted steel guages stying and working on getting jpgraph working for the hover graphs on the steel guages also working on the repositioning of the dials, About us page ajusted to reflect better the equiptment in use. Added extra charts to the synopsis page. added weather station status onto the wx status page. Added Lochaber website link and Mighty Radio Southport to links page. further tweeks to be added to optimise the wx status page. Added the live lightning blurb on how it works including a diagram. Removed Daylight map of the globe due to it not updating since september 20. Ajusted Live Weather link in navigation bar to better wording from live weather to live weather dials.
06/03/2021 - Added Merseyside Seach & Rescue link to main menu bar.
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17/02/2021 - Updated UV Script to reflect changes in API and added Weatherlink Live Website to the Live Data tab on the menu bar
29/01/2021 - Added Aurora Borealis information page, added links on the useful links page (Virtual VP,Weather Spares, Met office spot on guide & Freeola Web Hosting) Ajusted some of the link headers to make them clearer. Removed the google adsence code that seemed to take over the entire page and opted for Google adsence in boxes in curtain areas only. Fixed a issue with a link on the links page, Ajusted steel guages to width and length to 100%. There was a issue viewing on mobile devices where the page was cut short on the right hand side. Ajusted the postitioning of the Ip camera so it sits looking lower down and ajusted the focus. Less sky means less whited out image during bright periods. plans in place to ajust the front home page dials to take advantage of the full width of the page and add some more detail to the home page.
27/01/2021 - Check Fetch Times PHP script updated, Added webcam script to add overlays from the real time data on the web server. Ajusted the webcam 1 name and files to check for on the wx status page to the new file name, checked the contact form all seems good and working now, working on a archive webcam page/script for past days images saved every 15 mins coming soon to the bottom of both webcam 1 and webcam 2 once its setup.
23/01/2021 - New header images added to the roation script C/O Gary Lindon Photograpy, Added Hurricanes and Tropical Storm Prediction Page, Added Air Polution link to main-menu, Added UK National Grid utilisation gizmo page. link added to the Links Page, added link to Wirral Council website to the menubar external links, Modified about us page to include photos of the weather station and added sunshine recorder info, Ajusted some of the titles on some of the links in the menu bar, Ajusted size of feeds from as they were too tall on the synopsis and charts page, Added link to Metdesk Charts in the External Links Menubar, Created areas for sponsors to advertise and support the weather stations running costs, looking into a timelapse script for the webcam, modified contact us form to state about ip banning and logging of its use, checked Sargatoa Weather website and station diagnostic page for website scripting updates non available and all upto date as of 17:00, Started to use Dreamweaver 2021 as the PHP editor and backlined Notepad++ as a backup PHP editor/page design and creator, Preparing to retire the old wap site for the new sargatoa template version.
22/01/2021 - UPDATE: Fault with RSS feed has been found to be a formatting issue with the met office's RSS feed, Changes have been made, though all warnings are going to be shown for the north west and not just merseyside, contact form being looked into why the name field is pre filled in, please delete the name in the name field and correct this with your own, About the station has been updated, Added GFS to charts and synoptic page, added cloud cover and prediction to the satelite page. i will be adding a few more developments and tweeks being worked on in coming days.
22/01/2021 - Found a issue with the RSS Feed coming from the met office. Code changed to show all warnings and the issue of the feeds not being formatted correctly raised to the met office. Also a fault was found with the contact form where the name field would be pre filled. we are working on these faults and should be fixed soon.
18/01/2021 - New Website Launched 2300 old site kept as a legacy, Served 2006-2021, Note Delay on site becoming available. Due to DNS servers and users need to clear there cache
08/01/2021 - Website Re-design online tests underway utilising the sargatoa PHP scripting technology
01/01/2021 - Flash Player no longer being supported beyond 12/01/2021, Temporary dials replaced flash wdl dials
02/08/2019 - Website Deisign Changes, Data access is now via a donation to the station running costs and a few major changes in the pipeline.
02/08/2019 - Website Re build Underway.
24/07/2019 - Rain Guage Failure Replacement ordered 30/7 Arrived 31/7 Fitted 02/08, Some Data was lost during this time but the annual total corrected via met office spec rainguage.
04/04/2018 - New Fresh WDL to be introduced as a NON Flash alternative to the live dials, Website to gradualy have a overhaul in coming months.
07/04/2016 - Live Dials moved to a new server. This is due to the server hosts deciding to turn the servers off and go to a paid service, Dials may be slower updating than usual, This is still undergoing tests.
09/02/2013 - Removed the warning of a fault issue now sorted. installed new netgear N600 (WNDR3700) Router now running network. added current frames per second and bitrate on the streaming webcam, updated admin links.
02/01/2013 - station downtime 0700-1800 Hours Virgin media came to fix speed issues. Cause was the power levels in the cabinet on the street being +30dbmv! they were reduced to +16dbmv re wired the cable changed a splitter changed the superhub and added a -6db attenuator power levels at -2 after this has settled speeds of 120mb are likely with 12mb upload. current reading as of 1900 was between 80 and 108mbps download and 11/12mb upload. incoming power levels were =+16dbmv!
29/01/2013 - Station downtime 1500-1800 hours. Re configuring network to prioritizing the Website uploads over other network traffic.
29/01/2013 - Update - Issue with the broadband has still not been resolved. After long talks with virgin media it has came to light that the modem on the 120mb service should be using 2 channels on a dual bonded cable and our ares isn't dual bonded! there for impacting performance. This issue has be raised and more contact with virgin media will be made on Friday as it is impacting our Website. Normal service has been Restored for the time being. We apologize for any down time caused by this issue and we hope to have a full reliable service in the coming days.
25/01/2013 - Internet issues caused by a fault on another fibre cable virgin aware of this expected to be repaired by Monday 28th January 2013. WDL Updates reduced to 10 seconds until fault sorted.
23/01/2013 - Re set the Navigation menu on each page to the same height and sized, Fixed twitter now working on PWS Weather, Added New Pictures to the gallery some are panoramic may take a while to download on slow broadband connections
17/01/2013 - Axis Streaming Webcam Now Live for Publiv Vewing and all day video initialised also skycam added
17/01/2013 - Axis ip webcam received and online building web pages for it now!
16/01/2013 - Axis ip webcam expected arrival Friday
02/01/2013 - UPDATE - Twitter problems fixed, Working on pws weather now 20:30
02/01/2013 - Twitter upload problems should be resolved soon, Updated web page monthly conditions link, Moved the Records script up can fit more in now, Updated site version and removed decorations
10/11/2012 - problems uploading to PWS Still awaiting a fix for this.
08/11/2012 - Website re designed at the bottom near the webcam moved the adverts and deleted unpaid ones
15/06/2012 - Forecasts being withdrawn as of the 1st of July
23/03/2012 - FTP issues between PC and Freeola. Freeola saying there is no issues when there clearly is.
18/03/2012 - Broadband problems solved
18/03/2012 - Fixed network status page and started designing a observations page and station information page
29/01/2012 - Updated forecast,Enabled the Network test on the station status page this page shows areas that are live and if there all showing a red X then. the network test will show the status of the uplink
26/01/2012 - Created a Car banner for display this can be downloaded and printed by clicking here, Modified the small print on the bottom of our home page added advertisement fee of £15 for a years advertising!!
22/01/2012 - Added two new images from the top of the radio city tower to gallery #2 Changed weather display live Station Name to Merseyside WX from Merseyside Weather. Looked more professional! Work Being Carried Out On the Station Status Page Network uplink being configured, to test out broadband (Fault Finding), Added a Image Link to our links page and a link to our homepage to our Met office, WOW Website data upload, Moved Adverts at the bottom of the home page looks more organized now, Adjusted the Navigation Bar, Introduced the Glossary Page to the Navigation Menu
21/01/2012 - Added modified station status page now with background and network tests being configured, Added Advert To Electronic Surgery, Updated Forecast ,Updated and modified Links Page, Removed Tidyhosts Link As We No Longer Use Them, Added A Link To Radio Spares Components And Icecast Streaming media server
20/01/2012 - Added Extra Links above the Meteogram, Modified the Station Status Page, Modified Paypal for Donations Should Work Now, Looking for new area webcams to add and station promotion, Station Status page now fully operational showing key areas of the Website for, functionality of the updates
19/01/2012 - Added station status page curtsey of help from, Changed Navigation menu buttons to a different style, Added link to newquayweather on links page, Added QI Reader for wap access via smartphone, Added a navigation bar link to the gallery number 1 and 2, Modified station status page, Added Station Log